Today was a lovely day. We woke up and since Andrew was off of work, we watched a bit of t.v. and just relaxed. Then we went out to the town center and walked around the shops and stopped at the bank. We had dinner at a lovely little place called The Gourmet Pizza Shoppe. Baby went to bed a bit late tonight because we watched a movie and he was wide awake and as happy as could be. He is starting to smile so much lately and he laughs a lot too!! Every night before bed I give him a little sponge bath and twice a week a proper bath, and boy does he love bath time. He just smiles and smiles! Tonight he was especially happy and after I put his jammies on and started to swaddled him he was laughing! He is sound asleep now and he won't wake up for 5 or 6 hours, he really is such a good little sleeper, especially at night.
I am very excited for the 4th of July! We are going to our friends house for dinner and fireworks and Andrew is leading worship at church in the morning. I am a bit nervous that the fireworks might frighten Elijah, but he really doesn't seem to mind loud noises. In fact he seems to really like them. When Andrew was recording drums for his new cd the other day we were upstairs in our room and as soon as the drumming started his eyes got very big and he was just listening very intently... so intently that it put him right to sleep! I think it will be a great day!
I am just loving my little smiley boy!
*Laura May*
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