Today was a very strange day to say the least. Elijah had his apt. in the next city over and our gas light was on so Andrew left 45 minutes before our apt. to get gas, while I was getting Baby ready at home. He ended up having to go to 3 gas stations before he actually got gas, so needless to say we were a little behind schedule..15 minutes to be exact. So we show up late at the appointment, but everything goes well. We decided not to get any shots for Elijah just yet. He is growing well and is very healthy! After the appointment we decided to stop and get lunch at a delicious restaurant called Chipotle. We decided since it was packed we would eat in the car, with the air on of course as it was 100 something degrees outside. As we were just about to leave Andrew noticed that the engine was really hot. So we turned the heater on and decided once we got on the freeway the engine would cool down. At first it did, but after a little while it went well past the red and we just had to pull over so it wouldn't catch on fire or something. So there we were on the side of the freeway in a car that's so hot that we have to turn the engine off(so no air conditioning) with a very hungry 2 month old baby, and its 102 degrees outside!! That is the recipe for a panic attack! It was cooler outside the car so as it was BOILING in the car I decided I had to get the Baby out. I took him out in his car seat and held it on my lap as I knelt on the floor just outside my door. It seemed better, but with each car and semi that passed more and more dust began to fly up at us and it was going everywhere, and I could have the Baby in that!! I must have really looked distressed because within a few minutes a lovely older couple stopped to help us. They had seen that we had a Baby so they offered to let him and I sit in their air conditioned car! Andrew's Dad soon showed up and another man stopped and gave us a gallon of water for the engine. After all was said and done, and we were home and safe it really made me happy to see that there are some really nice people out there!!
Once we got home I decided to give Elijah a cool bath because he was so hot and sweaty. He really didn't like the cold!! Later that night he had a really bad tummy ache or gas and he was miserable. I think it was because my burrito from lunch had salsa! poor little darling he just couldn't get comfy so I thought we should try and give him a nice warm bath to help him feel better and it worked!! He was so happy...and then it was time to get out! He started crying again right away and he was so sad again. So I just rocked him and sang to him and he soon fell asleep. He must have been so tired from all the crying! We swaddled him a new way tonight, but I forgot to take a pic so I will post one tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will be packing and cleaning before our vacation to Nevada. I just can't wait to get there!!
*Laura May*
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