Earlier on in the day I was reading one of my favorite books "What to Expect The First Year" (Which my sister Sarah gave me!!) and It stated different capabilities your child will have at what age, and it got me thinking... When I was younger I used to plan out what I would teach my children and how much t.v. i would let the
m watch and things of that nature, and one of those things was teaching them the ABC's at a really young age. Later on once Elijah woke up I was changing him and I started singing them to him and he just lit up. He has never started at me so intently before. He will often copy faces I make at him, and it really looked like he was trying to do what I was doing, it was the most precious thing. I really think he is going to be a smart little fellow!!

went over while they were closing up and asked if it was still for sale and they gave it to me, along with a highchair/shopping cart cover!! I took a picture of Baby with his little presents while he was watching his very first episode of "Wonder Pets"!
*Laura May*
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