Today our baby boy is eight weeks old! It is so depressing that it's almost been two months since he was born! This is a picture of him this morning. He was looking out the window and the blinds were closed. He kept going cross-eyed and all the while he had a concerned look on his face, it was the cutest thing and we couldn't stop laughing! He was such a good boy today(he always is!). I got lots of cleaning and laundry done while he laid in his crib and watched his Wonder pets. He didn't care much at all for his dummy(pacifier) today and he kept spitting it out and smiling! Daddy dressed him this morning in his little DKNY onesie with matching blue pants! He looked simply precious, and Daddy got to see just how happy baby is in the morning! He fought sleep all day today and he just wanted to be held and cuddled a lot which is never a problem because I love to hold him and I miss him the second I put him down. He is sound asleep now and snug as a bug!
I think we will have to start thinking about moving him into his own room soon because he is going to outgrow his newborn napper (which is in our room) pretty soon. I can't even bare to think about him not being at the foot of the bed though, it's so much harder than I could have imagined. I know that the sooner we get him used to sleeping in his own room the better he will sleep at night as a toddler so it really is best for him, as I keep having to remind myself. It's funny being a parent forces you to be selfless, but at the same time it really makes you selfish when it comes to holding and just being with your baby. I really don't think I'll be ready to leave him for a quite a while. Luckily since I don't have to work and he's never had a bottle, I really won't have too! : )
*Laura May*
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