Elijah slept for eight and a half hours last night! We were so excited! I really thought getting him to sleep through the night would be difficult and that it wouldn't be till he was six months old or so. Maybe I felt this way because of all the stories I've heard about sleep depravation and letting your baby cry and all that. I'm sure things will change as he gets older, but for right now this is great. It was really hot today so I took off his onesie and laid him on the bed next to me while I was reading and he fell right to sleep. He loves to lay on our bed with the fan on, puts him straight to sleep. There are really only a few things he doesn't like: Being in his swing(which only has one setting, FAST), getting out of his bath, and having his nose cleaned: ). Other than those few things he only cries when he's hungry or if he has gas! I weighed him today and he is eleven pounds already! I can not believe how fast time is going by, I suppose I ought to get used to it. He'll be asking to borrow the car in no time : / At least we have technology so each day I can take pictures and remember exactly how he is at each milestone!
1 comment:
Aww! Well if he's as slow at learning to drive as all of us were you'll have nothing to worry about :D Love you! Love this picture!
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