Yesterday I was very tired and I forgot to write about a very funny thing that happened that day. The baby was on my lap and as I brought him up to my shoulder he grabbed my nose and managed to pull out my nose ring(It's tiny!!)! My first instinct was to grab his hands and make sure it wasn't in one of them because he always sucks on his fist and I was worried he would swallow it! Well it wasn't there so I started to look all over the bed and my clothes and it was nowhere, so I moved to the floor and started moving the carpet with my fingers hoping to find it, but I didn't. By this point I was freaking out. Of course I always think the worst so I was preparing to go to the emergency room because I was sure that Elijah had swallowed it!! I calmed down a bit and suddenly thought It might have fallen into his onesie so I unbuttoned the bottom and lifted him up and looked inside, but it wasn't there either!! Now I was frantic looking everywhere again and I even started to cry! I was totally hopeless, but I thought I would check his diaper as he needed a new one anyway, I carried him into his room, laid him on the table, took of his diaper and there it was! I have never been more relieved in all my life. Then to top it off I looked at Elijah's face with a very stressed out expression on my face and He had one of the biggest smiles he has ever had, and as soon as our eyes met he started laughing! Of course I couldn't help myself and I started laughing to and hugging him because I knew he'd be ok! : )
Today was a less stressful day you might say. We took Elijah to his Great Grandpa and Grandma's house today for the first time. It was sad because it was the first time we had been there since they passed away, but there are so many great memories and they are in Heaven now. When we got home we just hung out and rolled pennies from our change jar so we can exchange them for bills, and we watched movies and just had a relaxing day. Andrew had band practice so I took Baby upstairs to feed him. He had another tummy ache or gas today. It's the strangest thing it only happen once in a while and it only last for no longer than an hour, but what happens is he frantically cries and stops and cries and stops and nothing I can do helps him so I am sure it's either a tummy ache or gas. I will always give him medicine and rock him and pat his back and talk to him and it gets better pretty quickly. It must be something that I am eating, but I see no correlations. I am just so happy once he feel better!
*Laura May*
1 comment:
Alexander was the same with gas. only now and then I used to lay him on his back and bring his legs right up. Normally you'd get a few good puffs out of him that way. LOL! and then he always felt better. And as to what you eat. It could have just been something you haven't eaten yet in the two months. I can't wait to see him. We are moving to America So we will get to see him alot more!!! Love ou so much! Happy two months Elijah!! xxxxxx
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