I have decided, with much enthusiasm, to start a blog or rather, to actually use my blog which I have had for some length of time now. I am thrilled to be a new Mummy and I thought it would be nice to catalog my life as such, on a daily basis. so here goes...
Our sweet baby boy Elijah James Enos was born on May 13th, 2010 at 4:40am. He weighed 7 pounds and 9 ounces, and he was 20 and a 1/2 inches long. He has blue eyes and blonde hair, and he is undoubtably the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. My days are filled with feedings, dirty nappies(diapers), and adorable smiles and almost giggles from this tiny little human. It is so amazing that such a tiny person can change your world in such a huge way, and he certainly has. Not only have our lives changed, but our house has also. Our bathroom has doubled as a little laundry room for baby's onesies, and everything smells like baby laundry detergent, which is quite possibly the best thing to have everything smell like!
Elijah is what my Mum would call a "hot baby" he is always hot and sweaty, granted it is very hot out and our room is unbearable at times. So we can't wait for night time when the sun sets and everything cools down. The breeze is so lovely and our window is constantly open. Despite the hot weather I am so excited that it's finally summer! I can't wait to go to the beach and smell the sea air, and I absolutely can't wait to see my sister and here little family when they visit from England. My nephew, Alexander, will get to meet his first baby cousin!
I am no longer working, so in between dirty nappies and feedings I have a lot of free time so I am always looking for things to do. I love little outings with Elijah and he is always so good! One of our favorite places to go is Coldstone and Chillyrock soda shop to visit Daddy, not to mention they have a delectable soda called Apple beer which I crave everyday! It's like Martinelli's but slightly more bitter. Yum!
So far being a Mum is wonderful. I have never been more happy to be selfless in all my life. I know that there will be ups and downs, but I am so ready for the ride. Especially since I have such an amazing husband by my side!
*Laura May*
Precious. So good to know you're enjoying your radically altered life.
We can't wait to see you guys too! Love you little blog. and Can't wait to read more.
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