*Laura May*
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Packing, shopping, and wishing I was sleeping...
Friday, July 16, 2010
A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

Once we got home I decided to give Elijah a cool bath because he was so hot and sweaty. He really didn't like the cold!! Later that night he had a really bad tummy ache or gas and he was miserable. I think it was because my burrito from lunch had salsa! poor little darling he just couldn't get comfy so I thought we should try and give him a nice warm bath to help him feel better and it worked!! He was so happy...and then it was time to get out! He started crying again right away and he was so sad again. So I just rocked him and sang to him and he soon fell asleep. He must have been so tired from all the crying! We swaddled him a new way tonight, but I forgot to take a pic so I will post one tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will be packing and cleaning before our vacation to Nevada. I just can't wait to get there!!
*Laura May*
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Decisions, decisions, decisions, and a lovely blanket...

On a much brighter note my friend from church stopped by to day and gave me the most adorable blanket for Elijah! It is an Aden and Anais blanket and it is so amazing! I am just so excited to learn how to swaddle Elijah in it! Tomorrow I will upload a picture of Baby in his new blanket!
Well I'd better get a good nights sleep... I'll be doing more research in the morning!
*Laura May*
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Baby burrito, Bad dreams, and a Boiling bedroom!

Our bedroom is just so ridiculously hot! I have to leave the fan on all day and open the window if it's cool at night and it's still like an oven in here! Poor Baby... he loves to be swaddled, but here we are sleeping with no sheets and he has a blanket wrapped all around him. I don't know if I should just leave him un-swaddled and have him wake up a lot or just keep things the way they are. I guess if he's sleeping 8 hours or so then he's probably pretty comfortable, but he is so hot and sweaty when I un-swaddle him when he wakes up!

He makes the cutest little faces before bed! He will pout his lips and look intently at you and then he'll laugh and smile and he's just so lovable! He went to bed around 9:30 tonight and he woke up abruptly at 10:30 and he was crying so frantically! Normally he will wake up and lay there for a while before he starts to cry. I think he had a bad dream because as soon as I picked him up and whispered to him he fell right back to sleep! I don't even know if babies can have bad dreams, but it seemed an awful lot like that was it. Poor little Darling!
*Laura May*
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Two months old today!

Here is a picture of Elijah's feet while he was asleep! They are so precious!
*Laura May*
Monday, July 12, 2010
Diaper bling!

Today was a less stressful day you might say. We took Elijah to his Great Grandpa and Grandma's house today for the first time. It was sad because it was the first time we had been there since they passed away, but there are so many great memories and they are in Heaven now. When we got home we just hung out and rolled pennies from our change jar so we can exchange them for bills, and we watched movies and just had a relaxing day. Andrew had band practice so I took Baby upstairs to feed him. He had another tummy ache or gas today. It's the strangest thing it only happen once in a while and it only last for no longer than an hour, but what happens is he frantically cries and stops and cries and stops and nothing I can do helps him so I am sure it's either a tummy ache or gas. I will always give him medicine and rock him and pat his back and talk to him and it gets better pretty quickly. It must be something that I am eating, but I see no correlations. I am just so happy once he feel better!
*Laura May*
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ready, set, burp!

My sister gave me this adorable little book called fit mama and it talks about using your baby as a weight when you exercise and how it's fun for both him and you, plus you get a work out. So tonight I gave it a try and he loved it!! He was smiling and looking all around so intently. I think I will start doing that every day and make it part of our routine. Along with a walk around the block and yoga a few times a week.
In the last week Elijah has really got a grip on where both his fists are and he loves...I mean loves to suck on them. They are always in his mouth and he just giggles and makes loud noises! It is so cute! I definitely think he will be a thumb sucker because he really doesn't care for his dummy(pacifier). He is just so precious!
Tonight I told Baby a story...It was the first made up story he's every heard! : ) I remember loving that as a kid and thinking that nobody else got to hear that exact story but me. He fell asleep half way through and he was just so adorable. He's sound asleep now and I am very tired also, so I'm off to bed now.
*Laura May*
Saturday, July 10, 2010
curiouser and curiouser

*Laura May*
Friday, July 9, 2010
sleeping cutie

*Laura May*
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Dot your 't's and cross your eyes?

I think we will have to start thinking about moving him into his own room soon because he is going to outgrow his newborn napper (which is in our room) pretty soon. I can't even bare to think about him not being at the foot of the bed though, it's so much harder than I could have imagined. I know that the sooner we get him used to sleeping in his own room the better he will sleep at night as a toddler so it really is best for him, as I keep having to remind myself. It's funny being a parent forces you to be selfless, but at the same time it really makes you selfish when it comes to holding and just being with your baby. I really don't think I'll be ready to leave him for a quite a while. Luckily since I don't have to work and he's never had a bottle, I really won't have too! : )
*Laura May*
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Bills, Pills, and Baby thrills...

I am really missing my family lately and I can't wait for everyone to see Elijah as he has changed so much! I also can't wait for him to meet his Aunties Natassia and Sarah, Uncle Richard, and cousin Alexander!!
I am so excited because we are going to Laughlin, NV in a few weeks. It will be our first vacation since England in December, and Elijah's first ever!! (Outside

*Laura May*
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Good morning puffy face : )

Today was our Barbeque swim party and it was lots of fun! I sat by the pool with Baby and he just watched the water moving around and everyone swimming. He was a little fussy towards the end because he got a bit hungry, but as soon as he ate he was ready to play again and sleep! We also went to church tonight to watch Daddy play and He slept the whole time!!
This entry is a bit short because I am very tired from being in the sun and it's late. I will write longer tomorrow: )
*Laura May*
Monday, July 5, 2010
Fabulous First Fourth of July!

Today we went to Target in Redlands. I got a bathing suit because I will need one this summer and I didn't have one. I really like it, and I am so happy that I found what I was looking for at the first place we went! We are going to a barbeque/pool party tomorrow, so I just might wear it for the first time! I Hope everyone had a great 4th!!
*Laura May*
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Gyro-K, and the ABC's

Earlier on in the day I was reading one of my favorite books "What to Expect The First Year" (Which my sister Sarah gave me!!) and It stated different capabilities your child will have at what age, and it got me thinking... When I was younger I used to plan out what I would teach my children and how much t.v. i would let the
m watch and things of that nature, and one of those things was teaching them the ABC's at a really young age. Later on once Elijah woke up I was changing him and I started singing them to him and he just lit up. He has never started at me so intently before. He will often copy faces I make at him, and it really looked like he was trying to do what I was doing, it was the most precious thing. I really think he is going to be a smart little fellow!!

went over while they were closing up and asked if it was still for sale and they gave it to me, along with a highchair/shopping cart cover!! I took a picture of Baby with his little presents while he was watching his very first episode of "Wonder Pets"!
*Laura May*
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sitting up and spitting up...

This evening we went to the Car Show in the town center and walked around and looked at all the cars. We took a few pictures of baby with some of the really great cars. My favorite is one of Daddy and Elijah with a 1968 Shelby Mustang! We were talking about whether we think Elijah will like cars or super heros more because he already has quite a collection of both. I can't wait to see what he will be like as a toddler, but at the same time I don't want him to get any older than he is! He already weighs 10 and 1/2 pounds and it is so depressing. He gets a little bit bigger each and every day. I almost wish I could freeze time!

I talked to my Mum today also... My Dad and her are camping for the weekend. Quite close to where we are too, hopefully they'll be able to visit on the way home to see Elijah! I am still very, very excited for this weekend! I am going to make a cake and decorate it like an American flag with cream frosting, strawberries and blueberries! I can't wait!
*Laura May*
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Smiley Little Man

I am very excited for the 4th of July! We are going to our friends house for dinner and fireworks and Andrew is leading worship at church in the morning. I am a bit nervous that the fireworks might frighten Elijah, but he really doesn't seem to mind loud noises. In fact he seems to really like them. When Andrew was recording drums for his new cd the other day we were upstairs in our room and as soon as the drumming started his eyes got very big and he was just listening very intently... so intently that it put him right to sleep! I think it will be a great day!
I am just loving my little smiley boy!
*Laura May*
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