Elijah is already in a great morning and bedtime routine, but I have started to make his daily routine a bit more concrete now that he is awake a lot more. Basically he will wake up around 6-7am and then after a feeding he will go back to sleep till about 8-9am. Once he's up I get him dressed and ready and after another feeding I go downstairs and have breakfast. After eating I play with him and sit him up on my lap so he can practice holding his head up. Elijah loves to watch t.v. so I will put cartoons on for him for a little while and usually he falls asleep after 10 minutes or so. He 'll sleep for about and hour. When he wakes up We spend the rest of the day just hanging out, playing, and of course eating! He loves to lay in his cot and watch his mobile so I will lay him in there several times throughout the day while I do odd jobs and cleaning. In the evening he has tummy time which he either loves or hates depending on his mood. He is so funny he knows exactly what he likes and dislikes! Then around 8:30pm I give him his bath and get him ready for bed. Then I snuggle him in a blanket and sing to him or read a book before his last feeding. He falls asleep around 9:30-10pm and once he's asleep I swaddle him and put him in his bed for the night. Keeping to a schedule is so much easier than I thought it would be, it's great!

I bought some gripe water for Baby the other day and he's had it two times since. I wouldn't say he hates it, but he certainly doesn't love the taste of it! He makes the cutest face of disgust (It's like he's unsure of it) and he won't swallow most of it so I have to get a cloth ready to catch it! I haven't really noticed a huge difference from using it other than the fact that he hasn't had hiccups in the past few days and he used to get them everyday pretty much. I had given it to him because he seemed to have an upset tummy and I guess it helped a bit, but he didn't have the full amount that he was suppose to have. I think I might try a different brand. well that's it for now, and I'm off to bed.
*Laura May*
What kind of gripe water is it? english! should I bring you some all i ever did was dip his dummy in the end and turn it. so his dummie was covered in it. I can bring you some if you want. And if there is anything else at all you want let me know ok. Can't wait to see you!!!!
It's some random brand... Not from England, but it tastes disgusting! I would love some proper gripe water though! I'll talk to Andrew and see if he wants anything and I'll let you know! Thank you! I can't wait to see you guys either!! xxx
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