Thursday, August 12, 2010

Y o u a r e g e t t i n g s l e e p y... or not

I have been busy the last few days, and we have been getting to bed quite late as Andrew has been working late. The other day our dog Zeke got sprayed by a skunk! So that was very eventful. Luckily he didn't get sprayed much, but we gave him a bath right away and it was midnight by the time we were all done! Needless to say I have been too tired the last few nights to post. Plus Elijah's sleeping habits have changed a bit the last couple nights. Monday night he only slept 5 hours, tuesday he slept 3 hours and then after a feeding three more hours, and last night he slept 8 hours, but he didn't go back to sleep after that feeding like he normally does. He hasn't been fussy so it's not gas or anything like that. So either his sleeping patterns are actually changing for good or perhaps he doesn't want to be swaddled so tightly anymore. We have been trying different things to help him be more comfortable. I am really hoping tonight he sleeps well!

Elijah will be three months old tomorrow and I will be miserable! People keep saying don't blink because they grow up so fast and believe me they're not kidding. All day today I have been counting the months thinking it can't really have been three month... two maybe, but three no way! Much to my dismay each and every time I counted them it proved me wrong. He is in fact three months old, and growing by the second. His personality is really starting to show and he is amazing. He laughs and smiles all the time. Whenever he is crying, unless it is because he is really hungry, you can always make a noise or a face and he will cheer up right away! He is especially happy early in the morning and at bedtime when he has his bath! He is very ticklish too! He will laugh so much if you tickle under his arms or his tummy. He has started to laugh so much that sometimes he has to catch his breath mid-laugh. It is the most amazing thing! I think he will be stubborn because he knows exactly what he likes!

*Laura May*

1 comment:

Sarah Couling said...

Hi Lolli It's been a long time since you got on here.