So Laughlin was a lot of fun and I will write all about it, but first as to why I haven't blogged in ages... As soon as we got back from our vacation we house sat for a week and had no internet access other than our phones so needless to say I wasn't able to post. Now, however, we are home and things are back to normal.
Laughlin was amazing. On the way there we had to stop 2 times for elijah and only once on the way back, which isn't too bad for almost 4 hours of driving. Once we got there we spent a lot of time in the room because it was so cool and absolutely boiling outside! Although it was so hot baby really didn't seem to mind at all! He was great the whole time. We went bowling and to the movies three times! I was really worried about taking baby in the theater, but it was a small one in the mall and it wasn't very loud which wouldn't have bugged him anyway. He just absolutely loved it, of course after a while he would either fall asleep or cry because he was hungry. I would say that with all the three movies we saw combined I probably only missed about 30 minutes of film time which is pretty

darn good! We also went shopping and Elijah got a few new shirts for when he's a bit older and of course his new hat from Gymboree, which I am so excited about. I love it and he seems to really like it too! Over all it was a great first vacation for baby and break for us!
After we arrived home, got things repacked, and left for house sitting things were good again. I really love house sitting and it was a lot of fun to have another little change of scenery. I had a lot of time to just hang out with Elijah and I enjoyed every minute of it!
Now we are back home, with no definite plans of leave anytime soon. I have been doing some reorganizing. I have moved all of our clothes from Elijah's closet into our closet which used to be where our dog Zeke slept at night. I miss having him right there, but with our baby boy here we can't have all that hair floating around. So much to my dismay Zeke now sleeps in his cage in the living room which he actually really likes! Elijah has hit a few big milestones in the last 2 weeks also. About a month ago I put a hanging toy on his car seat, and a week ago he noticed it for the first time and he was really playing with it and loving it. Today I gave him a teething ring and I showed him how to hold it and he was really trying to grab it and hold it on his own and even chew it. He may be wanting that teething ring around a lot more often because the next big milestone is that we really think he is beginning to teethe. He has a small bump on his top gum and he has been quite fussy and grumpy the last two days. He also drools a lot now (which I think is adorable) and he chews on his fists! I know he seems so young for this, but my Mum told me today that my oldest sister had 2 teeth by the time she was 3 months old so I know it's possible. It's so depressing tough, I just can't believe how much they grow in just a few weeks. He is already 12 1/2 pounds and 24 inches long!! The good thing about it though, is that the older he gets the more he likes to cuddle and I could never complain about that!
*Laura May*